Our Core Values
It is our belief that each service user:
- Should be asked for their opinions about the service that they receive and for those opinions to inform the process of continuous improvement of the service. Our core values defined
- Should be valued and treated with dignity and respect and to be at the centre of, and included in, all decisions made about their own life.
- Should be given the opportunity to complain about our services without fear of retribution.
- Should be considered as a person and supported holistically, with equal consideration given to their emotional and social needs as to their physical ones.
- Should be supported by staff who are competent, reliable and trustworthy.
- Should have their personal, lifestyle, cultural and religious beliefs respected and to express those beliefs in any reasonable manner.
- Should live a life free from abuse, neglect, harassment and discrimination.
- Should achieve and maintain their maximum level of independence with the minimum level of support.
- Should be protected from danger, but that this must be balanced against their right to take informed personal risks (where doing so does not put others at unreasonable risk).